

Hello, class :)

This week, I have watched one movie "evolution" in the class.

What do you think about evolution?
Do you think people is at the processing of evolution?

In my opinion, it is yes. we do not notice anything about that. However, in the long run, we have grow a lot to survive. like above picture.

In the movie, many creatures were trying to survive and be alive, so they changed a lot to be better with a long time.  Earth history is really amazed and interested to me!

we can't defy to natures. We should along with it.
Now there are many environmental problems in the world. For example, they are global warming or water pollutions. Most of them are because of human. we just tried to get better lives.We did not think anything about natures.

If we do not have natures, w cannot survive. We should help each other for futures.


white TUNA

Hello, class :)

Today, I would like to show you guys "white Tuna."

Have you ever seen the "white Tuna" before?
I might think everyone thinks the color of tune is gray or dark color.

This year, one white tune was found in Tokyo, Japan.

eyes are blue.

Inside is a same as well.

If i have a chance, I want to try eating white tuna :)


My Doggy :)

Hello, class!
I had a lab class, but it is still on processing, so today...

I wanna show you guys my lovely doggy in Japan !

aw she is a mix doggy (Chihuahua X Miniature Dachshund)
Her name is MOMO, turned 5 years in this year :)

Every time when I go back to Japan, she comes to the airport with my family for me.

She loves eating and sleeping haha
I love her face when she is sleeping! 

I am sure animals make people happy a lot.
they can understand people's mind even they cannot speak.

When you are sad, animals can stay with you.
When you are happy, animals can be happy with you.



No lab class, so... :)

Hello, class!

This week, I did not have a lab class, so I cannot write a blog about lab.
So I would like to write about the restaurant which I went this week.
I know it is any concerned but I had no idea what I should write, so please understand haha

Do you guys know "KAKAAKO KITCHEN"?
Here is close by ward center.
I do love here!
Also, I do love LOCO MOCO :)

You guys should try here !
Here is an awesome restaurant EVER !!!


Biological Molecules

Hello, class!

Do you guys know that ? 
→Our body is made up with thousands and thousands organic molecules such as carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. Each of them has different roles in our body and helps our metabolic activities. 

So last week I did an experiment to determine what kind of biological molecules are in our daily products may help to understand chemical process in living organism.    

·      Benedict’s test

First, I added 1mL of test solution into a clean and dry test tube.
Then, I mixed it with 1mL of Benedict’s reagent and made sure both were well mixed together. After that, I heat the test tube in 95-99 water bath in 4-5 minutes. 

We chose four different types of foods, almond, pineapple juice, cucumber and bread. In experiment Buiurets, we got the react that pineapple juice did not have protein, so the color after experiment should be blue, however, we got the green color. So we guessed that because the color of pineapple juice is yellow that is why the color was green.

Here is a result.

Experiment 1 (Benedict solution)
Presence reducing sugars?
Positive Control(Glucose)
Negative Control(H2O)
After changing color
Small amount
Little bit blue green
Large amount
Yellow Orange
 Large amount
Red Orange
 Large amount